Upon this stream, some three days' journey down from the old portage,
Where the brave LaSalle and Tony, of the Iron Hand,
First crossed from the St. Joe to the Kankakee,
A little wooded isle, surrounded quite,
By river, marsh, and bayou, may be found.
For centuries a famous camping place,
...the voyager often sees
The gleam of campfires through the scanty growth
Of oak and sassafras upon its shore.
What followed in the after years, it seems no one can tell;
but still a legend runs:
How hunters often on this island saw a woman, old and gray,
who seemed to seek for something she had lost, but could not find;
And with her always as she came and went,
An Indian woman, older yet than she.
And to this day, that lonely spot is called " White Woman's Island."
This same legend tells how here among the natives years ago,
A sad faced white man spent his latter days.
-The Legend of Grape Island, Will W. Pfrimmer, 1907